Regenerate Chiropractic
Spinal Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors are five-year trained health professionals. Achieving the honorary title of Dr of Chiropractic reflects the dedication and time it takes to learn exactly what is needed to become proficient in this discipline.
Chiropractors are spinal health specialists, viewing the spine as a foundational and integral part of someone’s body. The Spine itself houses the nervous system, the master control system of the body. It is the attachment point of a huge number of the body’s muscles. It gives us our posture and allows movement of the trunk so we can move and function in everything we do.
Getting this structure working and functioning well is important to both how it feels but through the nervous system, how your whole body works. The short-term effects of spinal dysfunction is pain and restriction, the body will feel tight and restricted not able to do what it was designed to do. Long-term, the flow on effect of this can cause significantly more pain and disability.
With this in mind back pain is experienced by one in three people in Australia every day causing a huge burden on our economy and the lives of millions of Australians. So many people just put up with it.
Chiropractors offer hands on care that can help restore the spine to function that can both reduce pain and increase it’s ability to do (handle) anything thrown at it.
Common conditions seen by chiropractors include: Lower Back Pain, Headaches and Migraines, Mid back Pain, Neck pain, Disc Injuries, Whiplash, Scoliosis, Posture Correction, Sciatica, Back/Neck Stiffness, Tight muscles, Jaw Pain, Spinal Assessment, Muscle Strains/Sprains, Biomechanical Dysfunction, Radiating pain, Extremity pain, Sports Injuries, Arthritic pain.
Dr David Hewson
Dr David Hewson works in both Canning Vale and Pingelly. Seeing real results with my patient’s is what I am passionate about. Headaches, chronic low back pain and neck pain and tension are the key conditions that I love working with. Spending the time to accurately diagnose the problem and formulate a treatment plan that get’s a short and long-term result is key.
Using a range of treatments from manual adjusting, needling, and rehabilitation programs, my patients come from Canning Vale, Willetton, Leeming, Bull creek, Southern River, Harrisdale and Piara Waters and beyond.